! COVID-19 Update
Coast Mountain Guides is a collective of local guides with the common goal to explore and share safe experiences with you in the mountains. Our winter season shaping up to be busy with many local clients willing to join us during this covid-19 pandemic.
Since last spring we have been working hard on our return to normal guiding and teaching. We have implemented a rubust Covid Plan to keep you safe and healthy. As off November 20th 2020 Avalanche Courses have been recognized as essential therfore allowing us to operate courses base on the restrictions and guidance from the Health officials, WCB and guiding associations.
Here’s our COVID-19 Plan:
Daily operations under COVID-19
- Guest, students and guides should not have body temperature above 38C
- Guest and students will be screened for symptoms and “only” from the province at this time until borders are reopened and non-essential travels are allowed further then locally.
- Guides will be monitored for covid symptoms, must feel well and not have traveled outside the province in past 2 weeks. Hand wash before you arrive at work or guest meeting place
- Guides and Guest to promote social distancing of 2m apart when ever possible
- Guides to provide hand sanitizer and washing station to guest upon arrival (small plastic tub, soap and water) with brown paper towel to dry
- Guides to wear protective mask and gloves PPE when working in close proximity, less then 2m, i.e. multi-pitch belays or while driving to trail heads in company trucks
- All guiding equipment that was shared or used by more then one person to be washed and put in 72hour quarantine
- Guides and operation to keep daily records of all guest and students attendance to facilitate any case tracing or health investigations
Stay safe and lets go Shred!